Wednesday, November 24, 2010


So I'm going to post all of my stories on this blog to start off with. I'm going to delete them from my account soon because I do not like them. I wrote them early on and my writing was horrid at the time. Don't worry, you can still read them here if you really want to.

That's about all I have to say right now, so I'll get to posting them ASAP. Enjoy! :D

Saturday, November 13, 2010

New Looks.

Hey, hey, hey! How's in hangin'? <--- BAD GRAMMAR! ACK! -Twitchy eyes-
What an intro today! You may be thinking what I've been smoking, but really I don't do drugs, I'm just high on life at the moment. Things couldn't get any better... well unless if Mom and Dad said I could go to BotCon this summer with Cameron and Michael. Yes, I have two people picked out, and now all I need is a girl to go along. Know me, interested go to mah Facebook, bitches!

Anyway, I wanted to tell you all that so many good things have been happening, and I just can't keep that bottled up inside. I've gotten new friends, true friends and I can't believe it. Also, this guy I've liked for years... likes me back. My entire life has been flipped. I keep telling myself "I wonder why" and I can't help but thank God for all of this. The Father has done so much for me as of late, and throughout my entire life, but this is completely new.

How have your lives been doing? Good? I hope so because I said so. HA!
I really don't have much to report as usual. PM me if you want to. :)

Love you,